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About Me


Since childhood, I have been obsessed with magic, witches and anything else mystical and fantastical. I have spent the last 10 years on a serious quest to find the answers to life biggest questions, as well as seeking the truth of who I am at a core, soul level. While I've been on this mission, astrology, tarot and other spiritual tools have been my endless source of inspiration, advice, enlightenment, comfort and strength. The star maps we are born with are the perfect reflection of our potentials as a human beings, as above, so below, as within, so without; exploring my own charts has continued to blow my mind and provided me with unbelievable revelations. Thanks to the stars and finding a healing modality that works on the health of the mind, body and soul, I have finally begun to feel like I can see who I am and be empowered to create a life that brings me peace, joy and abundance.


Through my studies and life experience, I have come to champion the understanding that we are all unique individuals who deserve the grace and acceptance to be exactly who we are and are growing to become.

Just like the changes we see all around us as time moves on, we too are changing and evolving at our own rates. 


I feel it is my purpose to support others in realising and being comfortable with who they are and who they are not. To support others in coming home to themselves, to love themselves and to guide them on their own personal journeys to live healthier and happier lives. I find great joy in exploring the multitude of possible expressions installed within people and how to carve out the best track to move forward on their earth journey to holistic wholeness.


The seeking never stops, my aim is to always learn, grow and evolve to out create-myself to live a life I truly love. I hope to assist you in doing the same.


With Love,

Lauren x

My energetic signatures:

Taurus Sun, Scorpio Moon, Sagittarius Rising

1/3 Emotional Projector 

White Lunar World-bridger

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